Bonnier Couldn’t Keep It Going The decline of traditional print motorcycle media continues with the announcement that Bonnier will halt pub...
Bonnier Couldn’t Keep It Going
The decline of traditional print motorcycle media continues with the announcement that Bonnier will halt publication of Hot Bike magazine.
Asphalt and Rubber noted that the company will serve the v-twin and cruiser market through Motorcyclist and Cycle World. Those two publications have been the two that Bonnier seems the most focused on. The company revamped both of those publications and has shut down many others.
According to Asphalt and Rubber, the word on the motorcycle publication street is that Bonnier will drop one of those publications soon and focus just on one of them.
Hot Bike seems to have fallen prey to the death of the print magazine. It’s also hurt by the fact that many of its readers are an aging demographic. Whatever your feelings are about Hot Bike going away, it’s clear that the motorcycle journalism industry continues to change. Hopefully, that change will be for the better, albeit with on fewer well-known player.
Hot Bike magazine may cease to be a thing, but the brand will still exist on social media, do a couple special interest publications, and its events like Hot Bike Tour, according to PowerSports Business. So, while the magazine is no more, you can still connect with the brand online if you want.
Big Changes for Bonnier
Asphalt and Rubber also pointed out that Bonnier’s QuickShift Marketing division isn’t operating. It sees this as a good thing because of the editorial and advertising lines blurring with the company’s publications. That’s always a concern with any publication and not something that needs to be watched out for just with the ones owned by Bonnier.
I’m sad to see Hot Bike go, I’m sad to see any motorcycle magazine go, but that’s the way of the world these days. I hope Bonnier keeps both Cycle World and Motorcyclist open but only time will tell. In the meantime, we’ll do our best to keep covering all the motorcycle topics out there.
The post Say Goodbye to Hot Bike Magazine appeared first on Web Bike World.
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