It Seems India Could Lead the Electric Motorcycle Revolution Like it or not, electric motorcycles and scooters will probably dominate the ...
It Seems India Could Lead the Electric Motorcycle Revolution
Like it or not, electric motorcycles and scooters will probably dominate the future of the motorcycle industry, and I’ve got a feeling that India will lead that charge. The startup EeVe has two new electric bikes. There are the Tesero motorcycle and the Forseti Vespa-looking scooter. The startup revealed the bikes at the 2020 India Auto Expo, according to the Economic Times of India.
Both bikes feature Bosch-developed motors and batteries. The batteries are swappable and both bikes are commuter machines. The Forseti has a claimed range of about 62 miles and a top speed of 40 miles per hour. Not bad, honestly. The Tesero motorcycle has a top speed of 60 mph and an average range of 75 miles. Again, nothing to sneeze at. Both bikes get digital gauges and LED lights.
“As an exclusive electric two-wheeler manufacturing startup, we are very excited showcasing our latest offerings. We understand the pain points of the Indian two-wheeler user as well as the environmental situation in our country,” said EeVe’s co-founder and director Harsh Didwania. “Considering all these aspects, we have designed Tesero and Forseti to bring a balance between highly advanced technology and the ecological health of the world.”
Didwania also said the Indian auto market is going through a dramatic change. He believes the company’s offerings are on the right side of that change. The bikes are good looking machines and the range and performance expectations are pretty good. The price for either bike is unknown but should be around $1,400. This will include a 5-year warranty for the bike and a 3-year warranty for the battery.
The company said it has the manufacturing capacity for 12,000 bikes per year. I doubt we’ll see these bikes come to the U.S. anytime soon, but I think there are a lot of companies sleeping on the idea of a super affordable electric motorcycle. CSC Motorcycles has the City Slicker, but other than that there is not another offering out there like that, and I believe there is a market for it.
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